27-year-old Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat has added another gold medal to Team India’s tally at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games on Saturday. Vinesh won the gold medal in the women’s freestyle 53 kg event after earning a victory by fall over Sri Lanka’s Chamodya Keshani Maduravalage Don in the Nordic System Match 6. She started her campaign on Day 9 of CWG 2022 with a 0-3 win against Nigeria’s Mercy Bolafunoluwa Adekuoroye in the Women’s Freestyle 53 kg – Nordic System Match.
In her next bout, the 27-year-old defeated Canada’s Samantha Stewart by 5-0 and reached the top of the nordic system points table. In her final match, Phogat faced Sri Lankan wrestler Chamodya and went on to clinch the gold medal. It is pertinent to mention that this was the third medal for Vinesh at the coveted quadrennial event.
A look at the celebratory wrestling career of Vinesh Phogat
Vinesh previously picked up the gold during the 2014 edition in Glasglow and the 2018 edition in Goldcoast. She is also a bronze medallist at the World Championships and is two time Asian Games medallist. Having said that, here’s a look at what is Nordic System in wrestling.
What is Nordic System in Wrestling?
As per the United World Wrestling, the Nordic format is used in the sport when there are less than six wrestlers competing in a weight category. Such scenarios lead to the wrestlers clashing against each other. Under the Nordic system, only four classification points are allocated for the win, which is- by fall, default, forfeit, or disqualification. The wrestler with the highest no. of victories is ranked first in the points table.